About this site

This website is now live but is also very much a work in progress (as are most websites I imagine). One of the areas ripe for improvement here is accessibility. The designer has attempted to work closely to accessibility standards but there are still a few areas where improvements can be made and hopefully, these gaps will be closed in the next week or two.

In order to assist with legibility for the visually impaired, the designer has used the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font from the Braille Institute as the main text body font. As the creators themselves say “What makes it different from traditional typography design is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability.”

If you are currently traversing this site using a screen reader or are visually impaired and you have a suggestion or complaint please drop the designer a line at keith@utter.co.uk. If you are a web designer yourself, think about using the Atkinson Hyperlegible Font for your own projects and see how it aids legibility.

The site is built with WordPress using the Understrap theme builder system.