The Fitzrovia Centre, London

Commissioning Body or Individual:  The Fitzrovia Centre, London

Year:  2020

About the Commisioner(s):  The work of the Fitzrovia Centre is delivered through three main strands: Arts, Heritage & Culture To host a programme of activities that embed arts, culture and heritage locally and promote the wider social and economic benefit of community arts within Fitzrovia. Children & Families To improve life outcomes for children, young people and their families who are living the Camden and Westminster boroughs, through the provision of both free and low-cost activities and services. Community Facilities To promote space hire and to create an age friendly centre, optimising opportunities for health participation, supporting local people of all ages and beliefs, leading active lives.


Poet in Residence, The Fitzrovia Centre

In 2020 I was commissioned by The Fitzrovia Centre, London, to write a poem a month to appear in the Arts section of their newsletter and asked to provide online poetry classes.

The classes take place each Sunday afternoon and are free to attend.

If you would like to attend one of my classes or receive the Centre’s newsletter please contact

This is the first commissioned poem published in 2021.

You’re Right To Believe/Demand/Expect

Home’s a safe place

Where you can be,


A safe place to find

The way forward,


& think, rest, work at

What it takes to live,


Good days or bad which

Challenge or affirm,


A safe place in the puzzle

Of your next step forward,


A safe place where you can

Make & keep memories, food,


Clothes, the pots & pans

Of existence & laughter,


A safe place you can be part

Of Fitzrovia’s village of hope.