Honoured (2015)
London Grip reviewed Honoured here.
Yvonne Green who lives in Hendon and Herzilia was born in London in 1957. Her first collection, Boukhara, won the 2007 Poetry Business Book & Pamphlet Competition. Her second collection, The Assay, won translation funds from Lord Gavron and Celia Atkin and was published in Hebrew by Am Oved as Hanisu Yi. Her third collection, After Semyon Izrailevich Lipkin, was the Poetry Book Society’s Translation Choice for Winter in 2011.
These are vital, fiercely moving poems, alive with the danger, fear, violence and loss of a diaspora. Yvonne Green invites us to ‘… know about coming from a country that doesn’t exist’ and takes us beyond borders and language in her expansive, profoundly relevant exploration of identity and the meaning of ‘home’. – Josephine Corcoran